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IF you weren’t in Chicago for the Thanksgiving Holiday, you probably missed Ethan Cole at Hydrate Nightclub — while the
IF you’re unfamiliar of the magic that Kurtis José delivers to the dance floor, here’s a promo set for his
IF you weren’t in Chicago for Labor Day Weekend, you probably missed the maginificent pairing of Deanne & Ethan Cole
KENNY KRUZE continues his House Music Series by bringing you beats as fresh as newly-sliced watermelon with House of Kruze,
DESPITE the recent claims that Drake and Beyonce have revitalized House Music, the genre has always been very much alive
KENNY KRUZE returns with another edition of Beefcake, this time a Pride Edition that he headlined on Saturday. Be a
IN celebration of Pride Month, NYC Pride is releasing teaser sets from all the deejays spinning for its upcoming festivities
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